Directions of Philately - Part 2
Currently I believe that new generations of philatelists in countries with philately tradition and especially in countries like Brazil, China, Russia, India and many in Latin America are more conscious about philately and start your own collections for their own convictions, less influenced by industry. The Internet has boosted the barter and ecommerce without intermediaries, and therefore there can be greater longevity of their collections without illusions of millionaires profits. Many people acquire without intentions of profiting. But caution is needed in ecommerce because there may be abuse and fraud when it comes to items of greater value.

A question about the future of philately is also the catalogs. With the advent of computers and the internet is easier for the collector follow emissions of most countries. Although the published catalogs are excellent, few collectors are willing or can purchase them. For new generations of collectors perhaps the next step is to create wiki stamp catalog. Something perfectly viable and realizable which would involve the collaboration of thousands of collectors in the world, although a wiki project today has limitations regarding the assignment of the value to each stamp. But perhaps the chance to register the true fair value between supply and demand. Only time will tell. One thing is certain: while there is philately, will always be necessary specialists and researchers.